IncipitSearch REST API

Get Started

The IncipitSearch API is basically a elasticsearch endpoint. It is HTTP-based with request and response bodies formatted in JSON.

API requests

The HTTP GET-Request

Right now it is possible to fetch the IncipitSearch data via HTTP GET-Requests.


Query Parameters

  • incipit
  • repository[]
    • Type: string
    • A repository selection from the current repositories (GluckWV-online, RISM, SBN)
  • page
    • Type: Integer
    • Page number of the paginated result list
  • transposition
    • Type: Boolean
    • 1 to search with transposition, 0 to search without


curl -XGET -g
    "took": 8,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 5,
        "successful": 5,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": 314,
        "max_score": null,
        "hits": [{
            "_index": "20180525_catalog_entries",
            "_type": "catalogEntry",
            "_id": "RISM-652000216",
            "_score": null,
            "_source": {
                "catalog": "RISM",
                "catalogItemID": "652000216",
                "dataUID": 0,
                "dataURL": "",
                "detailURL": "",
                "incipit": {
                    "notes": "6'C,G'CE2(G)// //@2/4 86688CCCCE/i//",
                    "clef": "G-2",
                    "accidentals": "",
                    "time": "3/4; 2/4",
                    "completeIncipit": "%G-2$@3/4; 2/46'C,G'CE2(G)// //@2/4 86688CCCCE/i//",
                    "normalizedToSingleOctave": "CGCEGCCCCE",
                    "withoutOrnaments": "CGCEGCCCCE",
                    "normalizedToPitch": "'C,G'C'E'G'C'C'C'C'E",
                    "transposedNotes": " 7 -7 4 3 -7 0 0 0 4",
                    "transposedNotesWithoutOrnaments": " 7 -7 4 3 -7 0 0 0 4"
                "composer": "Anonymus",
                "title": "Abmarsch in Linie",
                "subTitle": "",
                "year": ""
            "sort": ["Abmarsch in Linie"]
        }, {